Sunday, 15 September 2013

Half Mother Theresa, Half Madonna


Welcome to my New Age Mum Blog. We are half Mother Theresa, half Madonna!!
It is not a judgemental blog on the two different types of mothers out there. It is about the in-between mothers. The New Age Mum is not your stereo-typical Conservative Traditional mum nor is it the other extreme Successful Non-Traditional and Driven mums. There is no right or wrong path to being a mother the choice is yours.



In this Australian Times, we hear stories that celebrate women who "have it all", kids, home, husband,a thriving career. If not, we hear about the opposite spectrum, traditional mothers who will not miss any of their child's milestone/event, happy to stay at home. But what about the "In-between Mothers", those that belong to both columns, the ones who are still ambitious, inspirational but also traditional to a level?

My definition of the New Age woman is one that falls within the age range of 30-40, are not extreme stereo-types, make their own version of Motherhood. They still want to be young but not wild and free anymore. You fall into this category if you enjoy your time on your own, you have a passion (running, dancing, socialising, fashion and shopping, travel) other than just family and kids. You love your family to bits, you do the school pick-ups, you are a great cook to your family but you also love yourself and pursue things that make you happy. You enjoy quality time with your husband away from the kids and you find new ways to keep your relationship alive. You are the New Age Mother and you are a Diva in balancing different sides of yourself. Welcome to my blog!!

We will talk about us, what we enjoy. I guess I will start with myself and include some of the friends that I know that fall into this category. I will use examples of other famous/non-famous mothers who fall into this category. Two names come into my mind Gwyneth Paltrow and Jools Oliver ( Jamie Oliver's wife)

Although this blog will not be only about celebrities, this is an easy introduction to my down-to earth mums out there who might not be as famous as above but still have this flame inside them that make them unique. It will be about the Mothers with background and cultures that have shaped them but also wants to be their own make.You go girls!!


  1. Wow you have put a lot of thought into your blog post - this line resinates with me

    "In-between Mothers", those that belong to both columns, the ones who are still ambitious, inspirational but also traditional to a level"

    This came at just the right time for me tonight as just by chance I saw your link and reading your blog added a positive glow to not feeling quite right. You amaze me with your constant energy, vitality, positivity and ability to lift the spirits of others.

    See you tomorrow my dear friend, you are definitely a Mother Teresa, Madonna :)

    Love T

    1. Thanks for your support Tam. I try to do my best. I am also inspired by the friendship that I make and you are definitely one of the New Age mum and a great friend!! I am glad the blog made you feel positive. That is the aim for me to empower mums in their choices to be the best of both worlds. There will be a blog about fitness sometime soon too, to keep motivating us!!! Pilates, yoga, Running, keep Reading!!!

      Love Madam Smith

  2. :) Oh Thanks have a great night!!!
